topping made simple
Best Practices
Proper Product Handling
Place mytop® Whipped Topping in your freezer as soon as you receive it.
Thaw product under refregeration for 24 hours before use.
Once thawed, mytop Whipped Topping should never be refrozen.
During high volume times, it’s best to stage another mytop Whipped topping bag underneath your counter for a quick change.
For best quality, refrigerate the opened mytop Whipped Topping bags after store hours.
Denote the Date
When you place a new bag of mytop in the dispenser, write the date on the bag. Use or replace the bag within five (5) days.
Carefree Cleaning
Wipe your dispenser down with warm, soapy water or a mild cleaning solution.
When to clean:
Beginning of first shift.
After morning rush.
Beginning of third shift.
Do not place the mytop dispenser in the dishwasher.